tpt: 2012年4月アーカイブ

A Personal Note










It is now 20 years since Hitoshi Kadoi and I had the conversation that led to the creation of TPT. But I remember it as if it was yesterday.

It is said that the theatre is ‘written on the wind’. Nothing is left of a moment of living theatre once it is done - except in our memory and in our imaginations.

For me, that memory is the start of a relationship with Japan that changed me forever.

And the reason for that is the people who came to join us in our project, all of whom brought something of themselves that was unique, passionate, and immensely costly to them personally. It is something that I can never forget.

The idea of TPT from the beginning was passion - chaotic, unreasonable and, if we were lucky, articulate passion. It was a bad idea commercially, and terrible idea if what you wanted was fame. But, looking back, I think it had something far better than those things: because, from the start, it was alive.  I suspect Hitoshi and I thought it would maybe last for a year or two –  a moment of energy in a rapidly changing world and an even more rapidly changing Japan. After all, it was at the time an odd intimacy between a young director from the West and a Japanese theatre shrugging off the tradition of ‘shingeki’. Who would have expected it to work ?

But here TPT is today. 20 years on. Still trying to make every day the present tense.

Although I ceased to be Artistic Director more than ten years ago, I think of that time, and the theatre we made, as the luckiest moment of my working life. And this 20 year anniversary is a good moment to say thank you to Hitoshi for his idea, Eri Kadoi for her ceaseless insight into human life, and Tomoko Watari for her astonishing ability to organise chaos. But above all, I want to thank the friends of TPT, every volunteer, and every person who attended the shows and the workshops, for giving so much of themselves.

It is because of you that I had the privilege to learn about Japan. And, in the end, fall in love with Japan.

David Leveaux
作◎フェデリコ・ガルシーア・ロルカ 訳◎広田敦郎
演出◎門井 均 美術◎朝倉 摂 衣裳◎萩野 緑 音楽◎かりん
出演◎安奈 淳
   広瀬 彩 秋定史枝 堀 杏子 蓮見のりこ 森ほさち
   野崎美子 菊池ゆみこ
   大道朋奈 清水あつこ 棚橋由佳 浜田えり子 藤原 恵 三間京子 尹 美那
   谷 英明 中川香果 廣畑達也 三上 剛
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    2:00 1:30   2:00 2:00   2:00 1:30 1:30
7:30 7:30   5:30 7:30     7:30   5:30  
会場◎BankART Studio NYK/NYKホール (みなとみらい線 馬車道駅 6出口[赤レンガ倉庫口]徒歩4分)
料金◎全席自由:5,500 円 25歳以下(tpt電話予約&当日券のみ取扱):3,000円
チケット取扱◎tptオンラインチケット携帯) tpt電話予約:03-3635-6355
お問い合わせ◎tpt - シアタープロジェクト・東京 Tel.03-3635-6355
主催:文化庁 / 有限会社シアタープロジェクト・東京 制作:有限会社シアタープロジェクト・東京






前のアーカイブはtpt: 2012年3月です。

次のアーカイブはtpt: 2012年5月です。


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